Tuesday, 10 August 2010


Finally got to see a doctor this morning. New one, again. Is very difficult to get to see the same GP twice in a row, but would be very helpful as I wouldn't have to re-explain all my problems. Anyhoo, liking this GP as well. She believed everything I said, and didn't balk at the fact that I've been researching my condition on my own, or the fact that very strong painkillers do absolutely nothing for me. She just moved me up to the next strongest without any hesitation, promised to chase up my rheumatology referral that was made two months ago and I've heard nothing about.

And uh, oh yeah, that weird nasty abdominal pain. Checked my urine, perfectly fine, not an infection. Spent five minutes pressing down on my abdomen in various places and going 'is it sore there?' when I was grimacing in pain. She thinks it's just another IBS symptom and gave me a month's worth antispasmodics to try and told me to come back in a month if it's still bothering me. I hope so badly that it's not still bothering me in a month. I can't stand it any longer. I need to be able to laugh and cry again!

Speaking of crying, I walked all the way down to the doctor's and then the pharmacy as Rambo wouldn't get his lazy ass out of bed. Wasn't so much of a problem walking to the doctor's but after her pressing down on my abdomen so much it was screaming in pain and made walking rather...difficult, shall we say? I've been home for an hour but I've only just stopped crying with pain long enough to get on the laptop.

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