Friday, 18 June 2010

The Public

Man, I hate being out in public sometimes. Just walking along I get jostled by people left, right and centre. Some guy overtaking me whilst walking his bike knocked the handle right into my wrist. He apologised, and that's fair enough, he probably didn't think much of it and I don't blame him; I'm sure it wouldn't have bothered me at all if I had normal wrists. My wrist, though, can't take that kind of punishment and was screaming at me for the next couple of hours.

Then of course I had to deal with automatic doors being out of order, with big signs next to them telling me to push them. I can't push those heavy doors. Had to wait around for a few minutes until someone else was going in, then jump in behind them.

Then when I tried to get the bus home later, all the benches at the bus stop were full and no-one would let me sit down. I tried asking, very nicely, but all I got was weird looks and questions as to why the hell they should. I tried explaining, but they wouldn't listen. I ended up going and sitting on the wall about ten metres away. Not a huge distance, but the buses around here don't tend to wait very long and I was worried I wouldn't be able to hobble across that distance in time. Fortunately for me, there was a particularly nice bus driver who noticed me struggling along towards him and stopped and waited for me. <3 bus driver.

Also, just in case anyone is wondering: No, it's not a good idea to go sit in the sun all day. It was wonderful at the time, although quite uncomfortable, but around 11pm last night that uncomfortableness caught up with me. Goddamn I've not had such bad back pain in a long time. Still not quite back down to normal levels even now. I am definitely taking pillows with me next time. Lots of them. More than I can possibly carry. I'll get Rambo to help.

...I know reading about the various struggles of my daily life is probably incredibly boring to you all. But this is my life. In all of its incredibly unexciting glory. If you're bored, stop bloody reading.

Oh, before I forget, I'd like to point anybody reading this over to BendyGirl's latest post. It's a subject I've tried to write about before but with nowhere near the eloquence this old girl* managed to pull off.

*The 'old' is referring to the elderly lady who wrote the poem, not BendyGirl!


BenefitScroungingScum said...

I'm glad you clarified that one ;) BG

Friendly Neighbourhood Grammar Nazi said...

*grins* I had a feeling you might take offence if I didn't!