Monday, 14 June 2010

Left-handed Typing

Subluxed the right wrist yesterday afternoon. It's now 7:30pm the next day and it's still refusing to get back into place. That's over 24 hours of my right wrist (I'm right-handed) not being in the right place!

I keep trying to put it back in, but for those of you who don't have EDS - trying and failing to relocate a joint is a sickening feeling that gets worse each time you do it. Usually this is about ten attempts of increasingly sickening pain until it eventually pops back in, but when I've hit 20 or so and it's still being stubborn I tend to ignore it for a bit before trying again. Getting really sick of that sickening feeling now.

Also, it's bloody difficult trying to type left-handed. I've been ignoring t'internet and housework and my own rumbling tummy all day in favour of staying in bed watching tv. Pretty much the safest option here.

(I tried to make myself food too but I just made a mess dropping things. I can't do shit all with my left hand. Sent Rambo off to make me sandwiches instead.)

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