Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Had a Great Day Yesterday :)

Whoops! Missed a day again*! Not like anyone cares.

Know why I missed it though? Because I actually had a wonderful day yesterday. I was so pleased about being able to walk again after the hip fiasco on Sunday that I insisted on walking the dogs in the park for a good hour despite the pouring rain (hey, I'm English, I'm used to it) and then sat 'round my Dad's for a bit eating ice-cream and listening to ridiculous drug stories of the Glastonbury that he'd just got back from.

And then spent the rest of the night playing charades and chess and monopoly and, well, various games that don't hurt me in the slightest** with Rambo. I think he was feeling guilty about the day before.

Oh, and there was some intornetz drama, but that's been going on for a few days and even I don't care about it anymore, I don't know why you would.

*Or two, depending how you look at it. It is nearly 1am as I'm typing this.

**I know what you're thinking - charades would hurt, surely? This would be true if I did the acting-things out part. But I just sat and guessed for hours. Highly entertaining. :D

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