Sunday, 13 June 2010


Sister's birthday yesterday. Also happened to be 'England Football Day' and the first England match of the world cup.

I'm not entirely sure why, but as usually happens each time the world cup rolls around, everyone I know started turning England into a three-syllable word (ing-guh-luhnd) and singing songs consisting of such wonderful and intriguing lyrics as 'na na na na na na na England na na na' and the other favourite 'En-g-land! En-g-land! En-g-land En-g-land nah nah!' at the tops of their lungs.

Couple that with some particularly bad wrists yesterday and Sister insisting I get her drinks and do pretty much everything she could think of to ask me because, well, it's her birthday and that's just how it goes in our family, and needless to say - I did not have a great day yesterday.

...I also managed to spill a lot of alcohol trying to pour drinks from weak wrists, whilst everyone else there looked on and/or told me off for making a mess. No-one thought to help. Such wonderful family I have.

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