Thursday, 19 August 2010


Update on the Choose & Book thing - I ignored it yesterday and didn't book anything. Turns out that was a great idea, TODAY the only appointment available was September 16th, at a place I can get to via public transport.

Hooray for cancellations!

Also, I think I've found my puppy. She's the last one left in the litter, Border Collie cross (with a Labrador, I think), collie shape (and hopefully intelligence!) and all black. Only seen pictures so far but she looks beautiful and I'm going to go see her tomorrow morning. Only £20. So pleased!

If tomorrow all goes well I shall spend the weekend puppy-proofing the house, stocking on puppy food and buying dog beds and food bowls and all that and pick her up on Monday.

So excited!

She needs a name though. Preferably geeky, but subtly so. I mean, I'm not going to call her Leia or anything.

EDIT: Person selling me the puppy wants a puppy-free house by this weekend, so it looks like I'm taking her home tomorrow! Posting quickly to take a break from frantically cleaning the house. I'm going to be dead by tomorrow if I keep this up, but hopefully excitement for new puppy will keep me going!

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